A marvel of medieval carving, featuring four green men and hundreds of individual angels
and so much more...
Big tasks for a little charity!
All our focus is currently on raising £600,000 to save the spire of St Mary's Church - Harrow's most visible landmark.
We are now within sight of our target, with around £50,000 to go.
If you are able to make a contribution - large or small - this will help us ensure that the spire which has crowned Harrow Hill for over 500 years will still be there for generations to come.
If you wish to “buy" a lead tile in your name or someone else’s, a family name or in memoriam, a small tile costs £320 and a large tile costs £1,200. If you wish to do this, please email your details to spirewatchharrow@gmail.com.
For general donations, the simplest way of giving is through our JustGiving page. Thank you!
The roof is now watertight - and expected to remain so for another 150 years - but work at St Mary's Church continues, as is to be expected with an ancient Grade I-listed building.
Recently we covered the entire cost of repairing the buttress by the main south entrance - over £22,000.
Other priorities include the medieval Parvise Chapel, which contains precious fragments of centuries-old painting, and the staircase leading up to it. The chapel suffered particularly badly from water damage before the roof was replaced, and further assessment of the woodwork is needed.
Yet another area needing urgent attention is St Mary's elaborate lych gate, itself a Grade-II-listed monument.
Yes, for a little charity, we have big tasks ahead!
Spirewatch: charity number 290616.